Noel Lee with June at NAMM 2013
Literally almost walked right into Noel last night. I was walking through LA LIVE after the Clipper game (we won!) and he was headed to Nokia. It was one of those mutual ‘what are you doing here?” moments. I told him I was thinking of writing about him on our website and he said ‘cool.’ So here it is.
When we first started our recording/touring career, Noel had just started an instrument cable company called Monster Cable. Interesting that we were two Asian –Americans from California doing things ‘unconventional’ at that time. Over the past 30 years, Monster Cable has become a world-wide phenomenon. Noel, among many things, is an electrical engineer, with well over 100 patents. Monster Cable’s reputation cannot be overstated. From those beginning years, Noel has discreetly supplied the band with ALL our cable needs. How cool is that? A brother taking care of his brothers—oh and in our case-a sister as well!!
An honest testimonial. In all our years and thousands of gigs around the world not ONE Monster Cable has ever failed! Serious. And believe me they take a real beating.
Oh let me tell you one more true story. We took our own Monster Cable to the studios where we were recording. One of the classic studios in Hollywood is Sunset Sound. We took our cable there, and they couldn’t see why we wanted to use it instead of their’s, so they did a blind ‘shoot out.’ That’s where they play a track through one cable then through another and so on. Everyone sits around, not knowing which cable they are listening to, and gives their opinions. As we listened, one cable came up, and one of the recording engineers in the room said, ‘take the EQ off the track,’ at which time the engineer who set this up said—“there is no EQ,” its Monster Cable. It was definitely fuller sounding, with more bottom and more clarity. The legendary George Duke heard it and he re-wired his whole studio with it.
We’ll probably see Noel at the NAMM show in a couple of weeks. He will undoubtedly have several new Monster products that will blow minds and revolutionize things. Noel is a ‘no attitude’ guy with a great smile--who never forgets a brother.